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Showing posts from March, 2012

Healthcare for grown ups

Guardian opinion piece  on co-production by Becky Malby, Director of the Centre for Innovation in Health Management. Co-production is a probably the least 'sticky', least 'sexy' set of concepts I've ever had to work with. Still figuring out how to make it light up. But try this - it recognises that the ill, injured or disabled are a goldmine. Someone who's learned to manage their own health condition can inspire and help others to cope with ill health in a way we all know a GP never could. Can you think of a better way to put it? If so leave a comment!

Irwin Turbitt

I'm currently editing some pieces by Irwin Turbitt, a former assistant chief commissioner of the Northern Ireland Police Service, now an academic. He was behind the transformation of the Drumcree Parades from riots to peace.  His articles contain a lot of theory, but they pack a tremendous narrative punch. This is applied research at its most exciting. It's a real privilege to work on it. Also I have discovered through this work that there is something called the Kafka Brigade - an action research team aimed at tackling bureaucratic dysfunction. LOL!