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Showing posts from 2010

NHS still in the dark over the white paper

I recently wrote an article about research by the Centre for Innovation in Health Management into how NHS leaders feel about the white paper, Liberating the NHS. Not sure if I can post it up here because of copyright. But it was utterly fascinating - the usual CIHM style of using language and metaphors well to give a really vivid, gripping description of what they found. Basically these leaders were split within themselves over what was going to happen because it just wasn't clear. Not in a vague sense - in a quite profound sense of 'what on earth are they up to?' But would add some of the leaders CIHM spoke to were pretty optimistic, at least with one half of their two minds! Find more about the report on the CIHM website here.

Proving your health project works

This is an article about capturing social value I wrote for for the Centre for Innovation in Health Management , published in the summer. Apparently policy makers have been pretty interested in social value measures since the credit crunch - with less money around, it helps to know which projects are most likely to succeed. More relevant than ever since the spending review.